Remembering a Latymerian football hero
Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Thirty years on, Tottenham Hotspur remembers Latymerian Sue Sharples who attended the school between 1973 and 1980. Sue was a hugely influential figure in the progression of women’s football, with her dedication providing the strong foundation that has allowed for such significant success and widespread participation in girls football at Latymer.

Having been a Spurs supporter growing up, Sue drove forward the establishment of the Tottenham Women’s team and even played for them in their first full season. It is fitting that 30 years since her passing, Spurs played their first FA Cup final at Wembley this past weekend, none of which would be possible without Sue’s fierce commitment to help put women’s football in the mainstream, with the positive effects of her work still very much felt at Latymer to this day.

To read more about Tottenham Hotspur’s homage, go to their Remembering Sue Sharples article.